Gulderman , Sexy dancer, glasshouse, just Mary Kassy, just wisdom, just Yadini,just Abraham,just Henry,just Fuji, Beauty hands, mission impossible, portable me nurse next door, just Blugad, Where is the Venue, Nkita motor, 10 Over 10, pepperoni.
Circle started at about 11:30am and we on on left as we had a check , two check backs and two beer stops, the first by 40,40 roundabout by Everyday supermarket and the second by udenwa avenue.
We returned back to the circle at about 1:15pm, the HM gave us beautiful songs after which the beer witches were acknowledged and lubricanted with their favorite poisons.
The HM gave a speech to acknowledge hares of the 105 run as their number remains remarkable. The hares were called front, right and center as they were given a thank you and appreciating note for making the run a successful one afterwards they were called to give us a song. The hares rendered beautifully song and they were further appreciated.
The circle was taken over by the RA and he emphasized on the importance of hash gear and those that were not well dressed were punished. XHM Pinocchio was called to the circle as he called out some “just hashers” who were baptized but not after educating them on what Naming or baptism is, hashers baptized were:
HM gave us a song ( immobile ) after which he called on XHM Pinocchio to educate or explain to the new baptized the reason behind the names they have been given . Virgin were called front right and center and the needful was done and they were educated on what the hash stands for.
HM thanked everyone that contributed to support plumpies who was bereaved and encouraged us to do same for Ukwu vendor who lost her mother. The RA also emphasized on the importance of us to pay our REGO for iri ji as late payment will be considered as sponsorship and the chairman of the sponsorship committee Eze muon was called to give us a countdown on how things are going, after which we had more sponsorship for the upcoming iri ji.
The was a total number of 43 hashers including 2 virgins.
afterwards We had swing low.
On on after, beer beer chops chop dance dance…..